
by Concorde Ertekpapir Zrt.



This is Concordes new mobile application service, with which you can easily and conveniently monitor the development of your investments and quickly find out about the most important economic and market events affecting your portfolio.What features does MyConcorde have?YOU WILL FIND EVERYTHING IN ONE PLACE ON THE PORTFOLIO PAGE!Whether its your regular securities account or long-term investment contracts, you can now access them at the click of a button.-------------TRACK YOUR TRANSACTIONS!All of your transactions are displayed in one place and are easy to understand, whether they are in progress or already closed.-------------DONT MISS OUT ON THE HOTTEST CAPITAL MARKET STORIES!On our regularly updated Content page, you will find the latest writings of our analysts and the most important economic news affecting your portfolio.-------------USE BIOMETRIC IDENTIFICATION FOR SECURE AND FAST LOGIN!Use your existing customer code and password to log in, but you can also choose the Touch ID or Face ID authentication methods for a faster and more convenient login.-------------We are constantly developing the application and expanding the available functions based on feedback from our customers. Registration is required to use the application, which you can do on your mobile device after downloading the application. To register, use your existing MyCD customer code and password. After registration, the service can be used immediately after entering the approval code sent to your mobile device via SMS.If you like our app, please rate it! If you have a proposal, write to us at sözöszö[email protected] downloading and using the application, you accept the information contained in Concorde Értékpapír Zrt.s data management information regarding the management of your personal data.Concorde Securities Ltd.